Articles and Essays
A collection of pieces I've written over the past few years for a variety of publications.
“Nine months. In a brief moment in the dark — feeling relieved, excited, proud, exhausted — it occurred to me. In nine months, the time it takes to create a new human baby, we’d gone from sitting in a coffee shop daydreaming to performing in front of a packed (though small) theater.”
Once upon a time, I started a theatre company and we produced three beautiful plays that I’m still incredibly proud of. This was the first.
The Cafe, May 2017
“Just think, you’re now the age that you’ll tell people you are for the rest of your life!” She meant no harm. She meant it as a joke, a clichéd comment that everyone makes about aging. But even so, I felt sad and a little grossed out by it.
A piece I wrote after a comment about aging got me thinking about double standards.
The Coffeelicious, May 2017
A series of articles about sisters and budgeting. I, a frugal 28-year-old, attempt to mentor my sister Kate, a spendthrift 31-year-old, in the messy and confusing world of personal finance. How do you help your family manage their finances without going insane or completely destroying your relationship?
The Billfold, February–July 2017
In 2017, I attended the 3% Conference and wrote as a blogger, recapping two of the sessions. This was my favorite. Four leading women in creative roles, talking about work/life balance, sexual harassment, and creativity—with their daughters.
The 3% Movement, January 2018
"The sound of coins jingling in a pocket will forever remind me of my father."
My first piece for The Billfold, a personal essay on memory and family.
The Billfold, December 2016
Learning to (Sort of) Accept the Proposal
Catalyst Wedding Company blog, October 2015