copywriter | screenwriter

Articles and Essays

Articles and Essays

A collection of pieces I've written over the past few years for a variety of publications.

A series of articles about sisters and budgeting. I, a frugal 28-year-old, attempt to mentor my sister Kate, a spendthrift 31-year-old, in the messy and confusing world of personal finance. How do you help your family manage their finances without going insane or completely destroying your relationship? 

The Billfold, February–July 2017

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6

In 2017, I attended the 3% Conference and wrote as a blogger, recapping two of the sessions. This was my favorite. Four leading women in creative roles, talking about work/life balance, sexual harassment, and creativity—with their daughters. 

The 3% Movement, January 2018

Panel: Daughters of the Evolution

"The sound of coins jingling in a pocket will forever remind me of my father." 

My first piece for The Billfold, a personal essay on memory and family.

The Billfold, December 2016

Spare Change

Learning to (Sort of) Accept the Proposal

Catalyst Wedding Company blog, October 2015